Fachinformationsdienst BAUdigital

A platform for research: civil engineering, architecture and urbanism

FID BAUdigital now on Mastodon!

The FID BAUdigital has its own Mastodon instance! All visitors are welcome to toot with us.

From now on, the FID BAUdigital is also available on Mastodon. Create an account, network with other users from the community and contact relevant institutions in architecture, civil engineering or urban planning. Be one of the first participants and spread the word!

Our "Kickoff lunch" will be held at Webex on 01/26/2023 at 12:00 p.m.: https://tu-braunschweig.webex.com/tu-braunschweig/j.php?MTID=m3aaeda3b9a63006cbe328d55bef9e035

Link to Mastodon: https://baudigital.social/